Michael Bloomberg Tops the List of America’s Biggest Donors in 2023


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks at the Climate Summit hosted by The New York Times in New York, Sept. 21, 2023.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg contributed $3 billion last year to support the arts, education, environment, public health, and programs aimed at improving city governments around the world.

Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, gave the most to charitable causes last year, followed by Nike founder Phil Knight and his wife, Penny, and Michael Dell and his wife, Susan, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s exclusive list of the 50 Americans who donated the largest sums to nonprofits last year.

Bloomberg contributed $3 billion to support the arts, education, environment, public health, and programs aimed at improving city governments around the world, while the Knights gave $1.24 billion, including support for the University of Oregon and an ambitious poverty-fighting effort in Portland, Ore. The Dells contributed nearly $976 million to their charitable funds, which distribute gifts to a wide array of charities.

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A version of this article appeared in the March 5, 2024, issue.
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