Dog Who Was So Desperate To Escape Animal Shelter Finally Gets Her Wish

 n March of 2023, the folks at Adams County Pet Rescue (ACPR) took in a red husky found wandering around Othello, Washington. They could tell she’d had a home at one point and hoped her family would claim her in the following days, but, sadly, no one showed up.

So, the staff placed the dog, later named Luna, in a kennel and added her to their long list of shelter residents. But the rambunctious girl quickly set herself apart from the rest when — just 10 days after arriving — Luna escaped from her crate and ended up on the shelter’s roof.

“It's happened again, except this time it's a Husky on the roof!” ACPR wrote on Facebook. “Maybe Luna’s climbing skills are the reason her owner decided not to pick her up.”


Standing confidently on the roof, Luna scanned the area for the family members she once knew. Her caregivers rushed to her rescue seconds after finding her and soon lured Luna inside safely. The staff showered the sweet girl with love and promised to find her a cozy home away from the noisy shelter.

Luna completed dog training courses in the following months and became good friends with her fellow shelter pups. Her demeanor and trust in others improved significantly as time passed, but no one showed interest in taking her home.


Months soon became a year, making Luna one of ACPR’s longest residents. But she was also one of their sweetest, with so much potential of being an amazing family member. So, when the shelter created a fostering program in collaboration with the Ahtanum View Reentry Center in Yakima, Luna was the first pup they thought of.

“Today, Luna was chosen, and she is going to be perfect for the first dog because she’s outgoing and very friendly,” ACPR wrote in a Facebook update.


After over a year in the shelter and a failed attempt at busting out, Luna finally got the break she needed. The sweet girl couldn’t have been happier to meet the foster program’s coordinators, Brianna and Justin, and the rest of her temporary family.

Luna settled into her foster home quickly, where she’s been stealing hearts ever since.

“She is seriously the [chillest] Husky I have ever seen, and I don’t know how she had been at the shelter for over a year,” Brianna wrote in an update to ACPR, later shared on Facebook. “She is the biggest sweetheart, and everyone adores her!”


It’s been a few weeks since Luna went to her foster home, and she’s been loving life ever since. When she’s not sleeping on the cool floor with her legs against the wall, she can usually be found devouring delicious treats or cuddling with her temporary family.

Her friends at ACPR hope to find Luna a forever home soon. But until then, they’re thankful the sweet girl is now in a warm and cozy environment with no desire to sneak onto the roof again.

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